
Find the best hot spring with an app.



Japanese people love going to hot spring because it takes you from real world to relax world! People wants to be relaxed after work or trip by going there. In Japan, people often go to hot springs with their family or friends, and that place is taking an important role for better communication and it is deeply rooted in Japanese culture. Since Japanese hot spring culture has such a uniquenesses, going to hot spring for special experience is getting more popular among tourists.




When people try to find a new hot spring in Japan, they face a difficulty to find the right information to fulfill their needs.
Since Japanese people are very familiar with hot spring, they have various preferences such as water quality. However, there is not good search tool to narrow down preferences or compare the information, it is also frustrating to spare much time for that. In addition, tourists might not be able to find the right information since most of information is provided in Japanese especially for old hot springs.


Project Overview

In General Assembly’s UX design course, it took 8 weeks from discovering & defining key insights then design & deliver to a final product.

General AssemblyのUXデザインコースを通して、8週間でユーザーインタビューによるインサイト収集から最終的なプロダクトのデザインを実施しました。

UX Research

Competitor Analysis + User Interview

Competitor Research

Figured out the market situation with competitors and found that there are not many direct competitors. However, since indirect competitors have strong presences in the market, izumi needs to differentiate key features from them.


UX Research Plan & Interview Guide

Created a UX research plan including target audience and research method, key questions. Conducted a user interview based on an interview guide for 8 people including both Japanese and non-Japanese, age 20-55. To differentiate from competitors, asked questions about what kind of features are useful for users.


Affinity Map & Persona

Based on the user interview, categorized insights on an affinity map to identify users needs, frustrations, and opportunities. From the key insights mapped, created 3 personas as users of the product. In UX design part, figured out more concrete user flow and features by considering personas.


Problem Statement & Solution Statement

Identified problem statements for each persona to make a problem more clear and get it into solution.


How Might We…

“Allow hot spring visitors to quickly search for a new hot spring based on their needs



UX Design

Concept Sketch + Wireframe + Usability Test + Prototype

Concept Sketch

To start my concept sketch, I broke down How Might We statement(solution idea) into more concrete 3 statements.


User Flow & Feature Prioritization

To structure an app’s screens and features, user flow helped to figure out a “happy path“ to find a new hot spring. Since project time was limited in 8 weeks, prioritized some features for designing based on a matrix of impact and expense.



Logo Design

Started with a rough sketch of woman in a hot spring after brainstormed some logo ideas. Updated the sketch by using golden ratio and circles to identify more simple and smooth shape.
“izumi” means “spring” in Japanese but it is also used as female name. So used a motif of woman and describe “Japan” with sun and mountain behind the woman.


04 Final logo


03 Find more simple and smooth lines with circles


02 Identify layout with golden ratio


01 First sketch

Style Guide

Chose orange color to express warm and relax. By considering contrast ratio, also used dark blue as primary color as well.
Used gradient color of orange and blue to show gradually getting warmed by going to hot spring.



Usability Test

